Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Every day, IBD threatens dreams for a normal life. But thanks to people like you, the Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America (CCFA) offers patients hope.

Today, I'd like to invite you to renew your support by becoming a member of CCFA.

As you probably know – and as Daniel can attest – the challenges of living with Crohn's or colitis can be fierce. That's why your membership is so vitally important – partnering with CCFA is the easiest and surest way to make a real difference to the 1.4 million Americans living with Crohn's and colitis.

Since their founding, CCFA has given more than $150 million to researchers across the globe. They've played a role in every major scientific breakthrough in IBD, including the discovery of the first gene for Crohn's disease. We couldn't have had such an impact without friends like you.

But despite our progress, there's so much more work left to be done and we need your help.

When you join CCFA, you'll not only continue to fund crucial research, but you'll also support programs that improve the lives of those affected by IBD. 

From creating valuable publications for patients and health care professionals... to teleconferences that connect patients to up-to-the-minute resources... to our CCFA online community where people share their stories and find out, often for the first time, that they're not alone... your support will touch the lives of so many people.

I believe treatment breakthroughs are up ahead – but we'll reach them sooner if everyone joins the effort. Please become a member of CCFA today. Daniel and countless others who dare to dream will be grateful!

P.S. Daniel realized his dream and became firefighter. Help ensure that more people with IBD live the lives they were meant to. Become a member of CCFA today!
At CCFA, we're paving the way to advances in treatment – and, one day, a cure. You can help us get there.
Crohns  & Colitis Foundation of America | www.ccfa.org
888.MY.GUT.PAIN (888.694-8872)

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