Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Phases of Crohns Disease/ IBS/IBD

PHASES of Crohns Disease

I just finishef posting on another board and I must say there are so many people with this dreaded illness.  

I've read all the different phases people are going through ;

First Anger that seems to linger

Second Hate, goes without saying

Third, Distrust of the medical professionals, understandable. 

Fourth, Confusion, from lack of information

Fifth, Denial, think they'll be the ones to beat it. 

Sixth, Depression, from hopelessness

Seventh, Frustration, from having a good day then next day bad. 

Eigth, Giving in, accepting this is the new way of life. 

Ninth, Taking ownership and dealing with it. 

Finally TENTH, being positive and all the other stages and living life anyway, the best they can. That's where we need to be!